Friday, February 27, 2009


I can't think of any other appropriate word with which to head this particular post but I was in theatre today - for very minor surgery - and I couldn't help but exaggerate it - the last occasion I was in a hosptital theatre - and on previous occasions too - was for very differnt reasons altogether and I couldn't help but be reminded of them - and get upset - never mind the reason why I was in theatre today. What I found most odd, though, was being in a theatre when I was conscious. I have had minor (day) surgery before, when I have just been treated under local anaesthetic, but today it just seemed as if I was more aware. The procedure was finished within 20 minutes but I have to admit to missing the affects of a general aneasthetic - I not only look forward to the sensation of being pumped with anesthetic but also the prospect of a good few hours sleep!

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